Why Your Partner Training Fails
Here at Vartopia, we have found the topic of partner training to be equal parts frustrating, fascinating, and complicated.
Help your partners become better marketers!
Picture this scenario, you are the first Channel Marketer hired at your organization.
Building Long-Lasting Relationships with Your Channel Partners
“Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.” - Bill Gates.
Wondering how to recruit the best Channel Partners?
The goal of any B2B organization is to develop a level of repeatability that warrants further investment. If I spend $1.00 here, and can consistently get $7.00 in return, then I will do that until the ROI falls below whatever threshold no longer dictates this as the highest return on investment. As a channel leader,… Continue reading Wondering how to recruit the best Channel Partners?
The Essentials of Partner Portal Software
Going digital is no longer a choice, but rather a necessity to compete in modern business. Technology has enabled efficiencies that ten years ago, organizations could only dream of. That same efficiency is applied to ensure partners, and their sellers have experiences that set you apart from your competition using Partner Portal. Every organization going… Continue reading The Essentials of Partner Portal Software
The Essentials of Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Software
The purpose of any investment in technology is to make a current cumbersome, inefficient process more straightforward and efficient to effectively scale that business unit. PRM Software is invested in, and essential for any organization to start, run and scale a successful channel business. The truth is, depending upon the types of partners, the market… Continue reading The Essentials of Partner Relationship Management (PRM) Software