Partner Relationship Management: Expectations vs. Reality
In an ideal world, your partners would go to bat for you every day. They’d be self-motivated, update deal statuses without intervention, and generally make your life easier. Unfortunately, partner expectations have grown beyond manual processes, email exchanges, and one-way digital portals. Keep reading to learn more about what channel managers get wrong about partner… Continue reading Partner Relationship Management: Expectations vs. Reality
5 Questions to Ask Your PRM Provider
If you’re reading these words, chances are that you’re in the market for a new partner relationship management (PRM) solution. That is awesome news. The right PRM solution can help you optimize your channel program, increase productivity, and enhance the partner experience. However, choosing the wrong one can have disastrous impacts on your efforts. That… Continue reading 5 Questions to Ask Your PRM Provider
How to Approach Channel ROI
When it comes to spending money on your business, you need to make sure your cash delivers return on investment (ROI). These days, the ability to measure results is essentially a requirement for businesses. For example, marketing teams use marketing automation tools and sales teams use CRM systems to gauge the effectiveness of their impact.… Continue reading How to Approach Channel ROI
Out-of-the-Box Incentives for Channel Partners
Getting the results you’re gunning for with your channel starts with incentivizing your partners in order to drive desired behaviors. Because we all work for money—at least on some level—this is most easily accomplished by paying your channel partners early and often. For example, you could pay them when they complete training and certifications, register… Continue reading Out-of-the-Box Incentives for Channel Partners
Closed Loop ROI Management: A Channel Marketer’s Dream
Chances are your boss isn’t expecting you to be able to measure the performance of market development funds (MDF), co-op funds, and other incentive dollars. Historically, capturing this kind of data has been more or less impossible. But what if you were able to take data to your boss that proved the moves you were… Continue reading Closed Loop ROI Management: A Channel Marketer’s Dream
Driven vs. Given: Are Your Partners Living up to Their End of the Bargain?
In an ideal world, partners bring you business that you would otherwise not be able to win on your own. This begs the question: Do you know with complete certainty that your partners are driving sales for you? Or is your company actually sending business their way without getting anything in return? If you want… Continue reading Driven vs. Given: Are Your Partners Living up to Their End of the Bargain?