Wondering how to recruit the best Channel Partners?
The goal of any B2B organization is to develop a level of repeatability that warrants further investment. If I spend $1.00 here, and can consistently get $7.00 in return, then I will do that until the ROI falls below whatever threshold no longer dictates this as the highest return on investment. As a channel leader,… Continue reading Wondering how to recruit the best Channel Partners?
Driven vs. Given: Are Your Partners Living up to Their End of the Bargain?
In an ideal world, partners bring you business that you would otherwise not be able to win on your own. This begs the question: Do you know with complete certainty that your partners are driving sales for you? Or is your company actually sending business their way without getting anything in return? If you want… Continue reading Driven vs. Given: Are Your Partners Living up to Their End of the Bargain?