Building Long-Lasting Relationships with Your Channel Partners
“Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.” - Bill Gates.
PRM Software and Partner Portal Software are NOT the same thing – here is Why?
Understanding what your organization needs today, and twelve months from now is not easy. Hopefully, this helps. The age-old question, should we “build or buy” is undoubtedly one of the first ones that need to be answered when your company decides to invest in channel technology. It is natural, and perfectly understandable to assume that… Continue reading PRM Software and Partner Portal Software are NOT the same thing – here is Why?
The Hard Truth about Hard Things in the Channel
We are going to come out and say it… someone has to! In a continuous effort to improve, organizations discuss internally growth ideas that they want to implement. But before that happens, they must first define what needs to grow. The graph of growth varies from one organization to another; depending on its maturity, industry… Continue reading The Hard Truth about Hard Things in the Channel
Rock Your Channel Strategy with These Tips
No matter how well your channel program is doing, there’s always room for improvement. If your goal is to take your program to the next level, you need to develop, implement, execute, and optimize an effective channel strategy. What is a channel strategy? At a very basic level, your channel strategy describes your processes for… Continue reading Rock Your Channel Strategy with These Tips