Help your partners become better marketers!
Picture this scenario, you are the first Channel Marketer hired at your organization.
Why Co-Branding should be a conversation, not a feature
“Do you have co-branding?” I have heard this question more times over the past 5 years representing PRM and Channel Management technology than I have any other question. As an eager, and hungry sales leader this question hit me in the gut every time, because my answer was… “No, but…” This was typically followed by… Continue reading Why Co-Branding should be a conversation, not a feature
Closed Loop ROI Management: A Channel Marketer’s Dream
Chances are your boss isn’t expecting you to be able to measure the performance of market development funds (MDF), co-op funds, and other incentive dollars. Historically, capturing this kind of data has been more or less impossible. But what if you were able to take data to your boss that proved the moves you were… Continue reading Closed Loop ROI Management: A Channel Marketer’s Dream
Channel Marketing Manager Guide
Channel marketers are tasked with getting more eyeballs on their channel and increasing brand exposure. After that, it falls to sales and business development to close the deal and maintain and cultivate relationships to keep partners engaged and grow the program. Historically, one of the main ways channel marketers drove awareness was by going to… Continue reading Channel Marketing Manager Guide